Dream a Little

Mama Kat is back from her break and so is the Writer’s Workshop! Okay… everybody together say “YAY”! I have missed my assignments for the last couple of weeks. It seems like everyone was taking a break of some kind. This week I chose for my assignment prompt #5.) Read and Respond: “If you want to make your dreams come true, the first thing you have to do is wake up.” ~J.M. Power

I might be totally off base with this, but, the way I look at/interpret that is that if you want something to happen, then you need to take action. Making your dreams come true is not a sedentary thing. If you want action you have to make action.

In my humble opinion, too many people today sit around waiting for their dreams to come true. They wait for everyone else to take action. If you aren’t willing to take action for your own dreams to come true, how can you expect anyone else to take action either? Sitting around daydreaming about your dreams coming true is going to result in exactly that. Daydreams…. If you want something to happen then get up off your butt and make it happen. Take a chance. GO for it!

You know Newton’s old laws of motion, right? An object at rest will stay at rest unless acted upon by an outside force? Well, that’s how I look at making your dreams come true. Your dreams will remain dreams unless you act upon them. You have to make things happen if you want progress or action. If you keep dreaming about things and not acting on them, then they remain only a dream. You must first wake up in order to take action on them and turn the dream into a reality.

There is nothing wrong with dreaming or with being a dreamer but if you ever want to have it be a reality then you have to be awake to the possibility and opportunities that arise to make the dream a reality. Wake up and smell the coffee! Wake up and be productive. Wake up and make your dreams come true. Here’s wishing all your (good) dreams come true!

Now for your entertainment I will include videos of my favorite songs about dreaming. Dream Weaver by Gary Wright: (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8nn0L6055gs Here is the URL incase you can’t get it to play)

I love Dream On by Aerosmith but I am a closet GLEEK so instead I’m going to post Matthew Morrision and Neil Patrick Harris’ version of that from Glee:  (URL in case you can’t get it to play  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yyN7F51g0Rs&feature=related )

About pegbur7

South of the Mason/Dixon Line
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16 Responses to Dream a Little

  1. terrepruitt says:

    Ha you can’t be “off base” when the instructions were “read and respond”. You are responding. I bet there will be a lot of different takes on it.

    I agree with you. And thanks, I am kind of considering it a pep talk!

  2. You can’t go wrong with a tribute from Glee! I am a fellow Gleek too. And, you are posting every day this year?!?!? I am totally impressed. If I wasn’t such a chicken, I would join you in your 365 pledge. 🙂
    Fondly~ Annie

    • pegbur7 says:

      Thanks Annie! Don’t you just LOVE Glee? I actually missed that episode so I was glad to find the clip!

      Thanks for the encouragement and thanks for stopping by!

  3. Ron says:

    Outstanding post, Peg!

    Woot! Woot! Woot!

    And this one line states it perfectly…

    “you ever want to have it be a reality then you have to be awake to the possibility and opportunities that arise to make the dream a reality.”

    Yup…it’s the ‘staying awake’ to the opportunities that are presented to me, that’s the key; knowing when to move forward.

    LOVED the Glee video! What a great voice NPH has!

    Have a AWESOME day, dear friend!

    Dream on!


  4. Emily says:

    Totally agree. This goes along with you have to advocate for yourself, you are your best champion. Good luck!

  5. Hard work and persistence win out over wishes and dreams any day! Good take, Peg!

  6. ElizOF says:

    Hi Pegbur7,
    It’s been a while…There’s much to be said for making an effort but I believe it takes other things too… and a little dreaming can’t hurt as long as we wake up and move. Glad to see you joined the postaday2011 challenge too. I’m enjoying it!
    Stopped by from MamaKat’s Writers Workshop to read your selection, say hello and wish you a very happy 2011!

  7. LisaF says:

    Thanks for the New Year Pep Talk! I’m ready to tackle all my 2011 dreams now. 🙂 Life is so boring if one doesn’t have dreams.

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