I Have Some SUPER Commentors

Thanks Heather!

This Panda award for super comments was given to me by Heather over at Welch Happenings.  I really don’t feel deserving of this because I feel very remiss sometimes in keeping up with my reading and commenting but I truly do appreciate the honor.  Thanks Heather.
The rules for this award are to answer the following questions:
1) Why do you blog?
I’ve been told I should write since I was a little girl and used to tell tall tales to our next door neighbor.  Then my sister started blogging and asked me to guest post on her blog and the rest is history.  Since I started though it has kind of morphed into a record of things that have happened for our family.

2) What was your favorite age to be and why?
Every age seems to be my favorite at the time but probably when I was in my mid to late twenties when I was a new wife and mother and still had a fairly decent body!

3) What’s your favorite sport to play?
I don’t really consider myself a “sporty” person anymore since I’m old and fat but I do walk a lot so I guess that would be it. Is blogging a sport?  LOL

4) What’s your favorite sport to watch, and who’s your favorite team?
My favorite sports to watch (Live) would be high school basketball both girls and boys and televised would be competitive cheerleading.

5) If you could pick your perfect career (and money doesn’t matter/the kids are out of the house) what would it be? I like Heather’s first choice so I’m gonna say travel the world and take lots of pics.  Or just travelling period. Maybe being a tour guide or something that involved travelling and seeing new places.

6) Do you ever feel guilty for blogging?
Yes. I don’t feel guilty for blogging itself, but the amount of time it takes up and I feel guilty for not keeping up reading and commenting on other bloggers like I feel like I should.  I just feel like there’s not enough time sometimes.  Especially when my computer is slow and taking even MORE time.

7) What is your favorite holiday?
We are kind of a weird family in that we don’t really celebrate any “traditional” holidays (old habits die hard) so very early in our marriage we sort of “adopted/morphed” our anniversary into our “Family Day” in which we buy presents for each other and all of our kids and celebrate the day we became a family.

8)  What’s your favorite kind of music? Again, like Heather, I like just about anything, except for rap.  If I have to pick a “favorite” it would probably be the “classic/southern” rock from the 60’s/70’s.

9) Do you consider yourself a good driver or bad driver?
I am a good driver, although I am a fast driver and I scare a lot of people but I live in Atlanta….give me a break!  I am a safe driver though.

10) What’s the farthest away place you have visited?
I guess Mexico or the Bahamas… whichever is farther from me?  Not really sure which one is….

Now for the hard part I have to pick some of you excellent commenter’s to pass this one along to.  I know it always seems like I pick the same people but these are the people who are faithful about commenting on my blog the most I think.

Ron from Vent

Jimmy from Jimmy’s Opinion

Linda from The Good, The Bad and The Worse

Angelia from Living, Loving, Laughing

Maureen from Island Roar

Teri from Teri’s Blip in the Universe

Alaina from View From Down Here

Thank you guys for always being so faithful in your comments on my blog.  I’m looking forward to your answers.  If you don’t want to participate that’s okay. I understand. I still think you deserve the award because you guys are awesome commenters!

About pegbur7

South of the Mason/Dixon Line
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28 Responses to I Have Some SUPER Commentors

  1. terrepruitt says:

    I LOVE the idea of Family Day. That is AWESOME! You should SELL that idea to Hallmark!

    That is so awesome.

    • pegbur7 says:

      Thanks. We have rather enjoyed it. That way we don’t get all caught up in the hoopla where no one worries about the original purpose of the holiday anyway! We get to celebrate “us”.

      • terrepruitt says:

        Yeah, it is a struggle to remember the reason for the season, but that is what makes it important (to my family) to celebrate them because we want to make certian the reasons do not get lost.

        I would just like to ADD a Family Day to all of the occasions we already have! 🙂

      • pegbur7 says:

        I think it makes us focus more on just “us” vs everyone else. It makes it more special to us.

  2. SuziCate says:

    Congrats, awesome list!

  3. Angelia Sims says:

    Nice! I really enjoyed your answers. Great tag! Thank you for including me. It’s a pleasure to be here.

    🙂 I just love having met you through your sister – in person, and in blog. You are a treasure of tales that I enjoy so much.

    Have a great day!

  4. Alaina says:

    aw, shucks…I feel so honored 🙂 Thank you for being a super commentor, too! I don’t think I can tag you back, so just know that the feeling is mutual!

  5. I too feel the guilt with the time that blogging can take. Luckily, my phone now gets internet so when I’m waiting for Sprite, I can catch up on a few in my Reader. 🙂

    • pegbur7 says:

      I’ve done that but for some reason I have a problem commenting from my phone and they don’t seem to show up so I can only read, not comment so I feel guilty then for not leaving a comment! Vicious cycle!

  6. It’s one of life’s pleasures to hear you tales Peg! Thanks for the award. I love the idea of the Family Day!

    • pegbur7 says:

      Thanks. Seems to be a hit! At least it is with us. I think the kids used to be embarassed explaining “family day” and saying they didn’t get Christmas presents but I think now they think it’s a little cooler because they aren’t like other people. LOL And they always say “Mom, for your anniversary this year, I want……” They are so funny. I consider it OUR anniversary. ALL of us…..

  7. Ron says:

    First…CONGRATULATIONS on receiving this award because you SOOOOOO deserve it.

    And thank you! thank you! thank you! for passing it on.

    Love your answer to #5. I feel the same way – traveling is the ultimate isn’t it? Wouldn’t it be great to have a job touring the world and blogging about it???

    Have a FABU day, my dear friend!


    • pegbur7 says:

      Thanks Ron! And please don’t feel obligated to pass it on. I know how you feel about that and you are such a great commenter I didn’t want couldn’t leave you out! SO… just enjoy!

      I wish I could find a job like that! Just pay be to do what I like! LOL

      Have a great day, dear friend.

  8. I love all of your answers! The “Family Day” is a great idea. Alex and I do celebrate holidays, birthdays, you name it. We find cards for every occasion to give each other. We really don’t do a whole lot with the family thing except my kids and their kids. But frankly, that’s plenty! Thank you so much for passing this on to me! You and Suzi always start my morning the right way!

    • pegbur7 says:

      Awwww thanks Linda. I try to just pick up cards for Dwight when I see one I really like. Those mushy kinds that Susan Poltis Schultze or whatever her name is does….. always the best ways of expressing how I feel. I think she must have been me for awhile! LOL

  9. Jimmy says:

    Thank You Peg,

    I am honored for you to add me to this list of fine people, you are a good friend and I always look forward to reading your blog and for you to stop in and see me 🙂

    • pegbur7 says:

      Thanks Jimmy, I was a little lax the last few days because I was out of town.

      • Jimmy says:

        A lot of your comments did not show up on mine as of yet, I got them on my email and replied as if they were there Ha Ha so it looks kind of funny right now until blogger gets it fixed 🙂

      • pegbur7 says:

        I know. ron must have the same problem. I commented like 4 times on his one about writing. I guess they’ll all show up at once and then I’ll look like a dummy!

  10. I loved reading your answers to all these questions ^_^. And I’m so happy that you blog – don’t feel guilty for a moment, since you’re giving all of us a treat by writing and sharing your family stories with us :).

  11. Teri Smieja says:

    Thanks so much for the award! I really appreciate that. 🙂

  12. Heather says:

    I just love your list. Wouldn’t it be wonderful to just travel for the heck of it. There is just soo many beautiful places I want to see and experience. Heck even right here in our own country there is soo much I wish I could see.

    You deserve the award wether you feel you do or not!

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