Ode to my Valentine

Valentine poem

A special day

Is coming our way

And for once in our marriage

We’ll get to play

You always work

And are never here

But for once in our marriage

I get to have you near

Looking forward to eating

In a restaurant… no cheating

For once in our marriage

We get Valentine’s treating

You’ve been my valentine for year after year

And I think I make this perfectly clear

For all of our marriage

I have loved you, my dear

Me and my Valentine!

This awesome poetry was brought to you by way of Mama Kat and her Almost World Famous Writer’s Workshop and prompt #) 5. A poem for your valentine.

About pegbur7

South of the Mason/Dixon Line
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22 Responses to Ode to my Valentine

  1. terrepruitt says:

    Aww how cute!

    Dwight gets the night off?

    Where are you two going for dinner? Hubby and I prefer to stay in. He is gonna cook for me! Yum!

  2. Mark says:

    Very nice!
    Your Friend, m.

  3. Ron says:

    “And I think I make this perfectly clear

    For all of our marriage

    I have loved you, my dear”

    Aw….what a BEAUTIFUL ode, Peg! And I know Dwight feels the same way.

    I’m so glad you’re able to spend the day together.

    ((((( Peg + Dwight ))))

    Have a faaaaaaaaabulous Valentines Day, dear friend!


  4. Angelia Sims says:

    Sooo cute!!! And I can’t believe you finally get a Valentines date. 🙂

  5. It’s a beautiful thing to get to celebrate a special day with the one that you love. Love the poem!

  6. Gretchen says:

    SOOOO sweet. Have a fun night out!

  7. Carol says:

    Peg, I have passed the Versatile Blogger award on to you, because you deserve it!

  8. Michelle says:

    This is so very lovely! Thanks for sharing!

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